Lazarus adopted the use of green to remember Saladin’s honorable and chivalric treatment of the Order. One interesting tradition has it that St. Mary, or “the Teutonic Knights) and, that green dye and green cloth was relatively easy to make or obtain. Green was a color most likely selected by default, as the other orders had already claimed red (Solomon, or “the Templars”), white (St. However, it should be recognized that the green-enameled gold cross is a relatively recent innovation when one regards the past millennia in the Order’s history. Lazarus is in the form of a green Maltese (that is, an eight-point) cross. That insignia are returnable in exchange for insignia of a higher rank upon promotion, and also upon resignation of a Member from the Order.That Members are to safeguard the Order’s insignia, thereby preventing it from falling into unauthorized hands.That the Order’s insignia are held in trust by Members, as in other Orders of Chivalry.The purpose of the foregoing policy and procedure is to emphasize the following considerations: Return of the insignia previously received will prevent its falling into commercial or other unauthorized hands. Members recommended for and meeting the requirements of promotion to a higher rank in the Order, and upon acceptance of such promotion will receive the insignia of the next higher rank in exchange for the insignia of the Order previously received.Applicants for Membership after meeting all of the requirements for admission to the Order, and upon formal acceptance for admission, will be presented the insignia of the Order appropriate to the rank in which admitted for use as long as they shall remain Members of the Order in either an active or inactive status.In further clarification of existing policies and procedures, the following will apply with respect to the award and use of the Order’s insignia: For protection against unauthorized manufacture or use by others, the Order’s insignia has been copyrighted on the North American continent by the Grand Priory of America.

Any Member who resigns from the Order is required to return the insignia issued to him or her. Before being awarded, all insignia receive the “Blessing of the Crosses” by the senior prelate or clergyman present. This service is conducted by the most senior Knight of the Order present, in compliance with chivalric tradition, custom and lawful practice that only a Knight may invest (and accord the accolade to) another Knight. The Grand Priory of America, following this tradition, invests each Member upon admission to the Order with the church Cape, or Mantle, and the insignia of the Order in a formal public religious service held in a cathedral, church, or chapel. Thus the insignia had to be returned to the Order upon termination of the individual’s Membership my death or resignation.

Membership in these Orders has not permitted the use or retention of individual items of religious regalia or insignia by other than the Member properly vested with the Order’s insignia. Historically over many centuries the religious and chivalric Orders have sought to preserve their traditions as well as their sacred religious objects and regalia, and to safeguard the latter against unauthorized or unlawful use.